5WFootball Crest of the Week: CA Hurucán, the Argentinian aviators

Welcome to a weekly feature on 5WFootball, where we will look at some of the best crests in football. When you think of past teams, the first thought may well be the players, but secondary, the thought turns to the identity: the kit, the crest, the stadium, the fans. The emblem, like many elements in football, is rather cliché like – yes, some look nice, but nobody really knows what they mean. They are the symbol for the passion shared between fans and teams. This weekly feature celebrates the best, from all over the world. Welcome to week 5: CA Hurucán.

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5WF Crest of the Week: Real Sociedad, King Alfonso XIII’s holiday home

Welcome to a weekly feature on 5WFootball, where we will look at some of the best crests in football. When you think of past teams, the first thought may well be the players, but secondary, the thought turns to the identity: the kit, the crest, the stadium, the fans. The emblem, like many elements in football, is rather cliché like – yes, some look nice, but nobody really knows what they mean. They are the symbol for the passion shared between fans and teams. This weekly feature celebrates the best, from all over the world. Welcome to week 5: Real Sociedad.

Continue reading “5WF Crest of the Week: Real Sociedad, King Alfonso XIII’s holiday home”

5WF Crest of the Week: Club Tijuana Xoloitzcuintles de Caliente, the hairless dog

Welcome to a new weekly feature on 5WFootball, where we will look at some of the best crests in football. When you think of past teams, the first thought may well be the players, but secondary, the thought turns to the identity: the kit, the crest, the stadium, the fans. The emblem, like many elements in football, is rather cliché like – yes, some look nice, but nobody really knows what they mean. They are the symbol for the passion shared between fans and teams. This weekly feature celebrates the best, from all over the world. Welcome to week 4: Club Tijuana Xoloitzcuintles de Caliente.

Continue reading “5WF Crest of the Week: Club Tijuana Xoloitzcuintles de Caliente, the hairless dog”

5WF Crest of the Week: Blackburn Rovers, the working mans nod to the Lancaster Rose

Welcome to a new weekly feature on 5WFootball, where we will look at some of the best crests in football. When you think of past teams, the first thought may well be the players, but secondary, the thought turns to the identity: the kit, the crest, the stadium, the fans. The emblem, like many elements in football, is rather cliché like – yes, some look nice, but nobody really knows what they mean. They are the symbol for the passion shared between fans and teams. This weekly feature celebrates the best, from all over the world. Welcome to week 3: Blackburn Rovers. 

Continue reading “5WF Crest of the Week: Blackburn Rovers, the working mans nod to the Lancaster Rose”

5WF Crest of the Week: Lokomotiv Moscow, the Russian Railwaymen

Welcome to a new weekly feature on 5WFootball, where we will look at some of the best crests in football. When you think of past teams, the first thought may well be the players, but secondary, the thought turns to the identity: the kit, the crest, the stadium, the fans. The emblem, like many elements in football, is rather cliché like – yes, some look nice, but nobody really knows what they mean. They are the symbol for the passion shared between fans and teams. This weekly feature celebrates the best, from all over the world. Welcome to week 2: Lokomotiv Moscow. 

Continue reading “5WF Crest of the Week: Lokomotiv Moscow, the Russian Railwaymen”

5WF Crest of the Week: Sampdoria and the smoking sailor of Genoa

Welcome to a new weekly feature on 5WFootball, where we will look at some of the best crests in football. When you think of past teams, the first thought may well be the players, but secondary, the thought turns to the identity: the kit, the crest, the stadium, the fans. The emblem, like many elements in football, is rather cliché like – yes, some look nice, but nobody really knows what they mean. They are the symbol for the passion shared between fans and teams. This weekly feature celebrates the best, from all over the world. Welcome to week 1: Sampdoria. 

Continue reading “5WF Crest of the Week: Sampdoria and the smoking sailor of Genoa”