
Who? Five MA Journalist students at the University of Sheffield. But more importantly, five students of the beautiful game.

What? Five reasonably priced breakfasts complete with five bottomless coffees.

Where? The UK’s best known pub company.

When? 9th November 2018, the day after our 5-a-side team curry night.

Why? Whilst replenishing ourselves, the conversation focused around various football features we have read and listened to that week. The logical suggestion was ultimately made:

We should make our own football website. We all have ample and varied background knowledge of the game to make an interesting and insightful product for readers to enjoy.

So, here we are: 5WFootball.

Why this name? One of the fundamental principles of journalism is to always ask the 5 guiding W’s: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

This is usually applied to news gathering, but we think it applies to life in general, which of course includes football.

Our focus is to ask and then answer these questions with insightful long-form, curated journalism, digging deep to tackle the essence of football’s most intriguing topics.

We also wanted to capture the nature of those discussions that we have so often, which led to the birth of the podcast.

We strive to examine ideas that aren’t readily available on the mainstream publications, because who wants to read a boring match report?

There is nothing wrong with match reports, but our desire is to explore the niches of football.

We hope you enjoy,


P.S. yes that is a photo of Hermann Hreiðarsson on the Macbook.
